Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Institutional Pharmacy Setting Essays
Institutional Pharmacy Setting Essays Institutional Pharmacy Setting Essay Institutional Pharmacy Setting Essay Pharmacy Setting latrice HCP 210 December 5, 2010 Patrice Daniels Institutional Pharmacy Setting Pharmacy Institutional setting is a service provided 24 hours a day 365 (Johnston, 2006) days a year. Most Institutional pharmacy provides blister pack medications to ensure the safety and quality to the patient. Institutional pharmacy are design to provide safe and secure prescriptions most of the time the patients are on site within the pharmacy. Pharmacist works hand and hand with doctors, Physical Therapist, and nurses to provide consultations and feedback to the doctors if needed. Not only does an institutional pharmacy provide quality care they also allow for patients to return unused and unopened medications for credits (Johnston, 2006). Pharmacy Technicians has a wide variety of task to do in an institutional pharmacy. There responsibility includes data collection and reporting, they will manage inventory and billing as well as formulary maintenance. Technicians must perform surveys and inspections on patient’s rooms for medications, while conducting inspections audits are done on the narcotic inventory. Technicians are also responsible for maintaining the crash carts for emergencies. Education is vital to this field of work because it require focus and lots of thinking. Although technicians have to educate themselves, they also have to attend in-service meetings and assist in organizing and maintain the medical library (Johnston, 2006). As a part of every day duties the pharmacy has to be stocked with supplies and medications used this will include ordering drugs as well. Technicians also perform maintenance on the devices use like fax machines and printers and so forth. Before a technician can perform in a pharmacy setting like an institutional pharmacy, they should have adequate training because it so important and patient’s lives are at risks. Medications are dispensed in an institutional pharmacy the same way it is in an ambulatory pharmacy. The prescription may be called in, faxed from the doctor. It may even be done electronically from the computer system. All prescriptions must include patient’s name, birth date, room number and bed number (Johnston, 2006). The actual prescription must include name of the medication, strength, route to administer, how often given (Johnston, 2006). All prescriptions must include the prescriber signature and depending on the medication, state law requires a (DEA). Once the pharmacy has received the prescription the medication is processed filled and billed. Verification is the one of the last steps done before the technician deliver it to the floor. Most of the time the hospitals and long term care facilities keep floor stock handy. Orders can range from IV’s, TPN’s, unit dose, so depending on the written order will determine what will be processed from the pharmacy. The two pharmacies differ in many ways; an institutional pharmacy is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week where other pharmacies are not open. The main differences the institutional pharmacies deal with many sterile drugs, chemo drugs and aseptic techniques. In an ambulatory pharmacy one cannot bring back medications whether it is open or not this is per state law where permitted. An institutional pharmacy does a more variety of medications then a noninstitutional pharmacy, most institutional pharmacies perform many injectable, IV drugs and unit dose packaging. Just as working in a noninstitutional pharmacy, drugs may not be available or may be discontinued. The doctor may send the prescription for a dose that may be available in that strength. In addition, the doctor or representative may leave out the patient’s date of birth. The most common one I have seen is where the doctor misses the dispense quantity. The doctor can also confuse the two patients together with same name. One of the things that may be unique is getting a patient mixed up with another patient and not having the drug available. Although working in an institutional pharmacy may be challenging it can be interesting as well. I have discussed in this paper the the roles a technician has as well as the process it take to prepare a prescription in an institutional pharmacy. It is very important that the doctors and staff work together as a team to ensure the safety of the patient and the quality that is expected of them. Technicians not only perform more tasks at an institutional pharmacy but they require more intense training. The importance of the pharmacy is to satisfy the patients and that is most important. Reference Johnston, M. (2006). The Pharmacy Technician Series: Fundamentals of Pharmacy Practice. Upper Saddle, NJ: Prectice Hall.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian Whats the Difference
Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian What's the Difference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips There are lots of reasons to work hard in high school: you gain important knowledge and skills, your grades help you get into great universities, and your dedication can even earn you scholarship money for tuition! But your hard work can also help you become valedictorian or salutatorian, which are awards given to the top two students in your graduating class. But what does it mean to be a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian? Don’t worry: you’ve come to the right place! Not only will we explain what a valedictorian and salutatorian is, we’ll also dig into the similarities and differences between the two awards and what they mean for the college admissions process. What Is a Valedictorian? Let’s start by learning more about becoming a valedictorian. Most schools award the title of valedictorian to the student who graduates with the highest cumulative GPA. So what does that mean exactly? Your cumulative GPA is the average of every final grade that you’ve made throughout high school! Additionally, most schools use a weighted average when ranking students. In other words, grades from AP and IB courses are given extra points to account for the difficulty of the course (which means that instead of a 4.0, you can earn a 5.0 in those classes). So if you have your heart set on becoming valedictorian, you’ll want to make sure you take AP courses- and make great grades in them! Furthermore, valedictorians are usually named during the second semester of senior year, and the award comes with a few special perks. First, the valedictorian usually gets special graduation regalia (also known as graduation attire) to help them stand out from the crowd. This can be a different colored robe, a unique tassel on your mortarboard, or an additional stole, cord, or medal. Each school has a unique set of regalia, but you’ll definitely get some additional swag for your hard work. Second- and more importantly- the valedictorian plays an important role in the graduation ceremony. Unlike most graduates, who will only come on stage to get their diploma, valedictorians usually sit on stage and actually participate in the ceremony itself by giving a speech. (We’ll talk about what that looks like in depth a little later.) Because the valedictorian is the top of the class, they serve as a representative for their classmates, which is a huge honor! Famous Valedictorians If you earn the title of valedictorian, you’ll be in great company! Here are some famous valedictorians you may know: Comedian Weird Al Yankovic (Lynnwood High School, 1975) Actress Jodie Foster (Lycee Francaise, 1980) Model Cindy Crawford (DeKalb High School, 1984) Photo by Sgt. Tracy Ellingsen What Is a Salutatorian? Just like a valedictorian, salutatorians are students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement during their four years in high school. Traditionally, the title of salutatorian is given to the second highest-ranking student in a graduating class. Just like the valedictorian, this is determined by a student’s cumulative, weighted GPA. If you want to become your school’s salutatorian, you’ll want to use the same strategy as valedictorians. Not only should you take AP and IB courses, you need to make sure you’re making great grades in them! After all, the higher your cumulative GPA, the more likely you are to become your school’s salutatorian. Furthermore, becoming salutatorian comes with many of the same perks as valedictorian. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian often gets special graduation regalia to recognize their achievement. These are usually similar to the valedictorian regalia with minor adjustments. For example, if your school gives out special stoles, the stoles may be the same style but different colors! But at the end of the day, the goal is the same: unique regalia helps you stand out from the crowd while honoring your incredible achievement. Additionally, the salutatorian also plays a pivotal role in the graduation ceremony. Like the valedictorian, the salutatorian is tasked with delivering a speech on stage during the ceremony itself. The salutatorian’s speech serves a different purpose than the valedictorian’s speech- which we’ll talk about in the next section!- but it also serves as a special reward for the salutatorian’s hard work. Famous Salutatorians Before we jump into the differences between the valedictorian and salutatorian, check out this list of famous salutatorians you’ll definitely recognize: Carrie Underwood (Checotah High School, 2001) Michelle Obama (Whitney Young High School, 1981) Jimmy Carter (Plains High School, 1942) Photo by Baim Hanif Valedictorian vs. Salutatorian: The Big Differences By now you’ve probably figured out that valedictorians and salutatorians have a lot on common. But they also have a few important differences, too. Let’s take a close look at the unique aspects of each title. The Rankings Of course, the most obvious difference is in the numbers: valedictorians graduate ranked #1 in their class, while salutatorians take the #2 spot. When you’re a high achiever, coming in second might sound like losing. After all, most of us want to be first! But the fact is, there is usually very little mathematical difference between graduating first and graduating second. The difference between becoming valedictorian vs. salutatorian often boils down to hundredths- and sometimes even thousandths!- of a point. That’s why schools reward the top two students, since often there is very little difference between their academic performances! It all boils down to this: graduating as your class' valedictorian or salutatorian is a huge honor and a giant recognition for your hard work! Photo by Kane Reinholdsten The Speeches So if a valedictorian and a salutatorian both graduate at the top of the class, get fancy regalia, and give speeches during the graduation ceremony, what makes the awards different from one another? The biggest distinction between a valedictorian and salutatorian comes in the content of their speeches! The Valedictory Speech The term â€Å"valedictorian†actually comes from the Latin phrase vale dicere, which means to say farewell. In other words, despite coming in first in the rankings, the valedictorian’s speech often comes toward the end of the graduation ceremony. That means the valedictorian’s job is to put a capstone on their classmates’ high school experience. It’s a chance for students to say goodbye to high school while looking forward to their next adventures. Because of that, a valedictory speech often has two parts. The first part looks back at the memories and lessons of high school, and the second part talks about how students can carry what they’ve learned into the future. In other words, think of the valedictorian’s speech as wishing everyone a fond farewell while looking forward to the next step in life’s journey! The Salutatory Speech If the valedictorian’s job is to deliver a farewell address, then the salutatorian’s job is to welcome everyone to the ceremony! (The term â€Å"salutatorian†comes from the word â€Å"salutatory,†which means â€Å"of the nature of a salutation.†) Unlike the valedictorian, who often speaks to their fellow students, the salutatorian speaks on behalf of the graduating class in welcoming friends, family, and other loved ones to the ceremony. They also introduce any other speakers and representatives to the audience. After the official welcome, the salutatorian also has the chance to offer a few remarks to kick off the graduation ceremony. If the valedictorian’s speech about how to take high school’s lessons and experiences into the future, then the salutatorian’s speech is a celebration of the moment. After all, you only graduate from high school once! Photo by Logan Isbell How Does Graduating as a Valedictorian or Salutatorian Affect Applying for Colleges? The short answer is that it doesn’t really affect your application or admissions process since these honors aren’t awarded until the second semester of your senior year. By this point, you’ve already submitted your college applications. In fact, you might have already committed to your dream school if you applied early action! Additionally, even if you can list valedictorian or salutatorian honors on your application, most universities don’t weigh them very heavily in the decision-making process. That’s because it can be hard for admissions counselors to understand what those honors really mean. For example, some schools rely solely on GPA to determine whether someone becomes valedictorian, while other schools use a combination of GPA and extracurricular involvement. Some schools even allow the student body to weigh in by voting on candidates! It’s impossible for every admissions counselor to know the valedictorian and salutatorian criteria for every high school, so it’s easier for them to remove the ranking from consideration. William R. Fitzsimmons, the dean of admissions at Harvard, summed it up best when he told the New York Times, â€Å"I think, [the title of valedictorian is] a bit of an anachronism. This has been a long tradition, but in the world of college admissions, it makes no real difference.†Photo by OakleyOriginals Do All High Schools Have Valedictorians and Salutatorians? Although these are very common awards in American high schools, some schools have decided to treat these titles differently. The â€Å"None Of The Above†Approach In recent years, some high schools have decided to get rid of the titles of â€Å"valedictorian†and â€Å"salutatorian†altogether. Some schools believe that it creates unnecessary competition between students, while others have decided to move away from the titles as a matter of fairness. As Dr. Mary Gruccio, the superintendent of the Cumberland County School District in New Jersey, explains, â€Å"We have had issues in the past where kids have been so close together, within a fraction of a point†¦ [and] in my opinion, it creates a lot of anxiety that does not have to take place." Because the top students in a class are often separated by fractions of a point, removing the titles of valedictorian and salutatorian are a way to ensure fairness and equal recognition of students’ hard work. But that doesn’t mean that because a school doesn’t have valedictorians or salutatorians that they don’t recognize academic achievement! Some schools instead award unique graduation regalia to all students with high grades, while others have switched to the collegiate approach of allowing students to graduate with honors (or cum laude). The â€Å"Multiples†Approach But there are other schools who have swung the opposite direction: instead of abolishing the awards, they have decided to designate multiple valedictorians and salutatorians in each graduating class. Take, for instance, Washington-Lee High School in Arlington, Virginia. In 2015, the school designated 117 valedictorians out of a class of 457 graduates. (The school awarded any student with above a 4.0 the title.) So why would a high school choose to do this? The goal in awarding multiple valedictorians is the same as naming no one the title: fairness. As Winnie Hu writes for The New York Times, school principals believe that recognizing multiple valedictorians â€Å"reduces pressure and competition among students, and is a more equitable way to honor achievement, particularly when No. 1 and No. 5 may be separated by only the smallest fraction of a grade.†Administrators also argue that naming multiple valedictorians prevents grade inflation, since teachers might feel pressured to give bright students better grades to help their chances at scoring one of the top two spots in their graduating class. The Bottom Line Regardless of whether your school has none, one, or tons of valedictorians and salutatorians, remember that the title of valedictorian or salutatorian does not impact your ability to get into your dream school. While the honor is certainly nice, it’s a recognition of a student’s hard work, not a golden ticket into an Ivy League university. So aim for becoming valedictorian or salutatorian because it means something to you, not because you think it will make a difference to an admissions counselor! Your Next Steps So now that you know the differences in a valedictorian vs. a salutatorian, it’s time to get your journey to greatness off on the right foot! Want to graduate with a perfect GPA? Start by getting advice from someone who’s been there, done that. It can be hard to know your real GPA if you’ve taken lots of weighted AP and IB courses. Never fear: our weighted GPA calculator is here to help! AP classes are important, but they only help you if you’re making great grades in them. Get the scoop on how to plan out your AP courses for maximum impact, and get some perspective on how much harder AP courses are than their regular counterparts. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Family Law - case study1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Family Law - case study1 - Essay Example Furthermore the marriage laws also state that if the marriage has been intimate (consummated) within a 6 month period during which a divorce is filed then the couple is required to wait 6 more months to a year before they can re-file for a divorce decree2. Furthermore the no-fault areas of the marriage, preceding a divorce have to be examined as well. Because John does not want a divorce and wants to work on the marriage then the court would look at the impact a divorce might have on him in particular. However, as was stated, due to the policies surrounding the divorce laws in the UK and England in particular, there will be a great deal of counseling and other interventive measures utilized to try and save this marriage if indeed it were to proceed into the family courts. The primary reasoning for counseling is going to fall into the area of the courts expecting there to be clear and coherent mental competency to ensure that both of the individuals are aware of their actions and are fully understanding of what will take place within their lives after a divorce is granted3. As the laws in cohabitation have changed drastically in the past few years, there are new stipulations in regards to couples who live together and often the same laws that govern marriage apply to cohabitating partners4. However, cohabitant partners are not wholly equal to married couples in all respects, not according to the English laws. For instance married couples do have the protection of marital law to assist them if there are problems that develop that have to do with property or a specific living situation where violence is occurring5. However, following modern civil law, a cohabitating couple such as Jeremy and Claude can adopt a set of rules that ultimately divides the property between the two and of which is upheld in a court of law just as a married couple's property rights would be viewed. Therefore there is the possibility that Jeremy could have a legal way of forcing Claude to vacate the flat that they share but due to the fact that they don't have a legal civil partn ership creates other types of problems besides not being married brings. For instance, without a civil partnership there are no real legal grounds that an individual within a cohabitating relationship can rely on fully. This isn't to say that Jeremy would not have any legal protection at all but the point that is being made is that it would be further complicated by the fact that the two aren't married, there is violence in the relationship, and no civil partnership is in existence to refute any adverse statements or actions that might come into being6. The law is quite clear on one aspect of this domestic problem however, regardless of whether the couple is married or not. Because of the fact that the flat is solely in Jeremy's name the law would stipulate that he could enforce the removal of Claude through a legal means without any adverse repercussions to himself. However, any joint property that remained in the flat would have to be legally divided according to any legal arrange ment that Jeremy and Claude have in affect. If they have none (which without a civil p
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Movie Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Movie Response - Essay Example The director of the movie, Spike Lee, who also plays the character of Mookie, portrays the relationship between the characters on the racial background. The message about racism and the relations between races is quite strong and powerful in this film. You can divide the characters into two groups – those who try to live peacefully with the representatives of another race (Pino, Jade, Vito), and those who are in the state of conflict and have anger at the people of different race (Buggin Out, Radio Raheem). Mookie is somewhere in between – he seems to be torn between both sides due to his commitments. One more important character of the movie is Mister Senor Love Daddy – his is the voice of reason in this conflict. The conflict, which builds up gradually and finally breaks out in the end of the movie, is triggered by Buggin Out and Radio Raheem, but the main part is played by Mookie, who seems to finally decide for himself which side to take, and he ends up on the side of his race, the African-Americans. Even though the movie is not easy to watch, I would even dare to say that it is a heavy-duty film, in the end you feel like you have learned something, because you see the position of those who are at the other side. The main conclusion that I come to is that racism is ugly in all its manifestations. Whether there are people dying from the racial conflicts, or businesses suffering, or children are getting the wrong message – racism is bad, it is wrong. When you start watching the movie with the title â€Å"Do the Right Thing†, you wonder what IS the right thing? Watching the movie I was thinking and, in a way, hoping that in the end I will get the answer to this profound question. Instead, I was left wondering. This question is left up to the audience to decide, and that is probably what good movie is about – not to tell you what is right or what is wrong, but to make you ask yourself these questions. In the end of the day, after watching the movie
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Alfred Adler’s “The Neurotic Constitution†Essay Example for Free
Alfred Adler’s â€Å"The Neurotic Constitution†Essay Introduction            One of the most common negative attributes an individual possess is insecurity. Common among adolescents, insecurity can be exhibited through either inferiority complex or superiority complex. This paper would present Alfred Adler’s theory of personality which concentrated on the reason as to why an individual develops feelings of insecurity and why this remains part of the individual’s behavior despite them reaching adulthood or old age. Adler’s Individual Personality            As a result of debates with Sigmund Freud, Alfred Adler (2007) developed his own theory of personality which he called as the â€Å"Individual Personality. † Adler believed that it is the motivations experienced by an individual that determines his or her role in society as well as being responsible for an individual’s uniqueness. Under the Individual Personality theory, Adler presented two psychological conditions which he termed as â€Å"inferiority complex†and â€Å"superiority complex.† These conditions are commonly experienced by an individual during the early childhood years and would eventually lead to the individual to suffer neurosis.            An individual suffering from either inferior or superiority complex requires an expedient to allow him or her to focus on the uncertainty of his or her existence. By doing so, the individual is able to do a self-estimation of all evils and considers him or her to feel incompetent, inferior, degraded and insecure. In order for the individual to find a guiding principle he or she uses either his or her parent who attributed his or her values to (Adler 2007). Based on the study of cause, behavior, manifestation and altered modes of activity, Adler (2007) discovered that there was a link between the individual developing an inferiority complex and the individual having underdeveloped organs resulting to the nervous system to compensate these. As a result, the individual develops what Adler termed as somatic inferiority and eventually becomes a permanent compelling part of the individual’s psyche. The only way this could be addressed is through the intervention of a psychologist. Another reason for the development of superior or inferiority complex among individuals is their desire to become what they consider to be great and strong. This desire then influences their conduct, psychical and physical attitudes. Oftentimes, individuals would experience temporary denials and discomforts, particularly during the early childhood years. This leads them to seek the impulse to develop character traits that they would consider as common.  It is also during this period of time that individuals experience feelings of weaknesses, helplessness and feelings of anxiety. At the same time, the development of these negative behaviors allows the individual to realize his or her strengths which results to the individual a sense of gratitude towards his strengths. This, along with the development of obedience, allows the individual to develop an accentuation of his or her ego consciousness by assisting him or her to achieve the goal of his or her personality which is to strive for superiority (Adler 2007). Adler (2007) also stated that the parental neglect experienced by an individual as he or she grows up would result to the child developing feelings of aggression and contribution to the individual’s development of inferiority. This is particularly evident among individuals who have been brought up in large families where the individual has a lot of siblings. Conclusion            Insecurities are commonplace among each and every individual such that it would seem to be impossible to find an individual who does not possess any form of insecurity. Adler’s theory provided valid explanations not only as to why individuals possess feelings of insecurity but also why certain individuals are more insecure than others. Along with his theory, Adler presented factors that cause the emergence of insecurities among individuals. The first is physical. Many of people who are insecure are those who are inflicted with what society would consider as physical abnormalities. They are viewed by society as different and as a result would make them to ridicule and bullying. Another factor presented was the family.  On one hand, any children feel that they are pressured into following the footsteps of their parents which would let them feel that the only way to be accepted and considered as â€Å"doing the right thing†is if they would follow the footsteps of their parents. On the other hand, because of the changes in lifestyles of most families, parents tend to have lesser time for their children. The parental neglect causes the children to feel abandoned and as a result would develop insecurities which they would try to hide by creating an image that they are superior, hence the development of the superiority complex.            All in all, society has played a part in the formation of insecurities of an individual. Most often than not, individuals are not even aware that they in fact possess feelings of insecurity which is why only through the intervention of a psychologist and an open mind would an individual discover these insecurities and work on these insecurities in order to develop a stronger personality which is the goal of an individual. Reference Adler, A. (2007). The neurotic constitution: the origin and development of the feeling of inferiority. In H. S. Friedman M. W. Schustack (Eds.), The personality reader (pp. 42-43). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn Bacon.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Software Licensing and Piracy :: Technology Software Copyrights Computers Essays
Software Licensing and Piracy In 1993 worldwide illegal copying of domestic and international software cost $12.5 billion to the software industry, with a loss of $2.2 billion in the United States alone. Estimates show that over 40 percent of U.S. software company revenues are generated overseas, yet nearly 85 percent of the software industry's piracy losses occurred outside of the United States borders. The Software Publishers Association indicated that approximately 35 percent of the business software in the United States was obtained illegally, which 30 percent of the piracy occurs in corporate settings. In a corporate setting or business, every computer must have its own set of original software and the appropriate number of manuals. It is illegal for a corporation or business to purchase a single set of original software and then load that software onto more than one computer, or lend, copy or distribute software for any reason without the prior written consent of the software manufacturer. Many software managers are concerned with the legal compliance, along with asset management and costs at their organizations. Many firms involve their legal departments and human resources in regards to software distribution and licensing. Information can qualify to be property in two ways; patent law and copyright laws which are creations of federal statutes, pursuant to Constitutional grant of legislative authority. In order for the government to prosecute the unauthorized copying of computerized information as theft, it must first rely on other theories of information-as-property. Trade secret laws are created by state law, and most jurisdictions have laws that criminalize the violations of a trade-secret holder's rights in the secret. The definition of a trade secret varies somewhat from state to state, but commonly have the same elements. For example, AThe information must be secret, Anot of public knowledge or of general knowledge in the trade or business, a court will allow a trade secret to be used by someone who discovered or developed the trade secret independently or if the holder does not take adequate precautions to protect the secret. In 1964 the United States Copyright Office began to register software as a form of literary expression. The office based its decision on White-Smith Music Co. v. Apollo , where the Supreme Court determined that a piano roll used in a player piano did not infringe upon copyrighted music because the roll was part of a mechanical
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Deconstruction in J.M. Coetzee’s Disgrace
Being a post-colonial text, J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace is a multi-layered narrative of deconstruction- from the language, the characters and their values, the setting and the context. Deconstruction is a strategy employed by J. M. Coetzee to present and critique the effects of colonialism within the South African post-apartheid context. After the removal of the apartheid system that has hounded South Africa for the longest time, one would expect a complete turnabout in values, beliefs and practice amongst the people and the community-both rural and urban.Coetzee subverts this expectation by depicting a post-apartheid life and existence that is still, in the metaphorical sense, imprisoned and clinging to the misery and antiquity of the colonial past. David Lurie, the lead character and the narrator in the literary text is a man who has drunk and gobbled many of life’s bitter disappointments- from his unfulfilled teaching days in a university turned technical college to his demotion as a caretaker of terminally ill animals in his daughter’s farm.Coetzee deconstructs David’s character by portraying him as a man still shackled from his own vices and values as well as from the old world that boxed and created him instead of a free, happy man in a post-apartheid environ(ment). On another level, David’s character undergoes deconstruction by being depicted as a Caucasian South African male in a time and place (post-apartheid) where the whites do hold as much power as they once used to. In terms of language, Coetzee’s prose is anti-realist. Truth and meaning in his narrative are not laid bare explicitly; it is covered and laced with undertones, symbols and irony.The novel also deconstructs â€Å"the romantic pastoral prototype of the farm novel tradition through its portrayal of a lonely and desolate farm, and through the narrator Magda, a lonely spinster suffocated by an environment of intellectual and spiritual drought†( Subverting the pastoral: the transcendence of space and place in J. M. Coetzee's Disgrace 2006). Coetzee transforms the farm which often conjures up an image of one that is idyllic and laidback into a setting that is marred with unhappiness and disillusionment.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Food Industry Essay
Food Industry is one of the complexes which involve a vast global collection of many businesses that come together to avail food energy consumed throughout the world population. Those farmers who merely depend on food that they plant are not considered to be part of food industry in these modern days. The food industry includes the following: – Regulations- These regulations range from local to international rules and regulations which govern food production and sales, food quality and safety, and general industry lobbying activities (David, Grotton, 1979, pg417). – Education- This can be academic which results to professional in food production, vocational which involves basic training or consultancy which deals on consultation regarding different food products. – Research and development- This involves food technology in order to invest various ways of food production which does not exist in the market. – Financial services which include insurance and credit services. – Manufacturing- Food industry involved in manufacturing of Agro-chemicals, seeds, farm machinery and supplies of agricultural construction. – Agriculture- This is a basic area in food industry since it deals with raising of crops, livestock and also sea foods which are the main raw material used in food industries. – Food processing- This involves preparing fresh products for sale in markets and also it involves manufacture of already prepared food products. – Marketing- This deals with promotion of new products in market. It also gets views from public opinion by advertising packaging and public relation. – Wholesale and distribution- This is done in warehouses, transportation and logistics. – Retails- Food products are basically sold in supermarkets, stones, direct con. Summer restaurants and other food services centers. Therefore, food industry basically covers all aspects of food production and sales. All transactions between productions of food up to the time food is taken to the market are taken care of. The industry size of food production is quite wide since it covers worldwide population and it’s approximately US $3. 2 trillion in 2004. For example, in United State they spend about US $ 1 trillion annually for food or almost ten percent of their gross domestic product (Harratio, 2007, pg 370). This industry due to its diversity and great need to expand it has around 16. 5 million people who are employed in the industry. Food industry regulations are very vital in every stage from production to consumption. These stages include production, processing, distribution, retail, packaging and labeling of all food products. All these are governed by a mass of laws, regulations, code of practice and guidance. There are general food laws which must be followed by everyone whether one is working in a food business or he or she is involved in consumption of the food productions. This deals mainly with registration of foods which are either imported or exported, the safety of food, labeling, product withdrawals and recall (Brown, 2001, pg 439). For example, the main food laws which are used in United Kingdom are:- – Food safety act of 1990 which involved registration of general food registration in Great Britain. – General food law regulation 178/2002. – General food regulations 2004. This incorporated imposition of penalties to those who breaks food regulation. Some of the food safety and consumer protection offenses include – Rendering foods which can injure one’s health by either: I ) Adding something harmful to food. ii) Using harmful ingredients in production of food. iii) Removing any food constituent which can benefit the consumer iv) Passing food through processes which are no recommended. – Selling product to purchaser which is not of the nature, substance or quality demanded by the buyer. – Using false descriptions or presentation of foods in order to entice customers. – Commission of defense is due to the act of default of another person, the other person is guilt of the offense. – In European countries, Food imported to these countries must comply with all their Food safety regulations or else they should enter into an agreement with the exporting countries for those requirements. – Exportation by European countries demands that food should meet the required food law, not unless the importing country demands otherwise as per their laws. – The safety standards of food should be followed strictly this is passed by the law that states: Food shall not be placed in market if it’s unsafe. Food can be regarded as unsafe if its-injurious to one’s health. – Unfit for human consumption. – The labeling, advertising, presentation and setting of food product for consumer should be done in such a way that it would no mislead the consumer. – For traceability purposes, operators of business need to keep accurate records of food, food substances and producing animals supplied to their businesses and also records of suppliers where they buy their commodities which should ensure that this information shall be made available to authorities on demand. – Food business operator can withdraw food which is not complying with safety standards incase it has left their control and recall food incase it has reached the consumer. In case any company breakdown any of these offenses, the company is liable to penalties laid down by general food regulation (Windsor, 1959, pg 37). Food law guide is a process which needs to be updated each and every time in order to comply with food standard every time. In food industry, there should be regulatory impact assessment team which its main duty is assessment of costs, benefits and risks of regulations laid down which could adversely affect the business in one way or another. These teams are either produced by government or agencies which have statutory powers for making laws. The government is trying to put up better regulatory initiatives which will work with food standard agency which is a statutory body which protects public health and consumer’s other interest related to food and drinks. Deregulation can lead to food safety coming to a critical condition since it opposes most of the regulation acts imposed in food production till marketing time. These deregulations may include:- – Free trade agreement. Due to free trade agreement the safety standards of food during export and import times are looked down upon and this can lead to harmful consumption of food. For any successful company to grow well, merging with other companies is quite essential since it enables diversity and acquisition of new methods and formulas which the merging company has. Merging stimulate growth and expression of ideas to give a wide range of products to be produced. The main aim of encouraging merging and acquisition of businesses is to reduce the number of firms operating on one same thing and consequently they increase concentration since the number of firms have lessen and therefore management can focus on something substantial since they are concentrating on a smaller area than before. Also through merging and acquisition companies promote anticompetitive pricing behavior since operations will be taking place on one company which can set standard prices for each items (Manley, 1940, pg 83). In food industry, they have focused merging as something that can bring great impact in economy since it basically changes employment structures. Therefore merges and acquisition results to workers dislocation since the companies will be fewer than before which lead to retrenchment of some workers. The food industry had two distinct mergers and acquisition involved in eight different food industries. These occurred from 1977 to 1982 and from 1982 to 1987. This mergers and acquisitions did not necessary portray the processes causing workers dislocation and lost wages. During the acquisition and mergers, small plants in food industries were added workers during the first merge wave but not during the second one. Mergers and acquisition had small but positive effect on wage during the first merger of 1977-1982 while little effect was felt during the second merger period. Mergers and acquisition also enables many plants to exit their industries during the 1977-82 period and facilitated closure of some firms during the period during 1982-1987. Therefore productivity can be increased and profitability of industry enhanced by actively participating in acquisition and merging of industries. Joint venture by different companies helps the businesses to grow increasingly and therefore increases business interest. Joint ventures also help the business to diversify its products and it basically operates like mergers and acquisition (Zhouying, 2005, pg317). Food technology has greatly advanced in many food companies through invention of new ways of production and marketing of food produce. Food supply chains in any food industry must give way to dynamic supply network and elaborate food technology that drive them. Technology enables high volumes of distributed transactions which take place between different members of supply chain in a rapid and low cost manner. Food technology should be used even during marketing to fit to a variety of transactions.
Friday, November 8, 2019
The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay Example
The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay Example The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay The Fall of the Aztec Empire Essay In this essay I will tell how the Aztec and Inca empires ended, and also I will compare the fall of both empires, using for a point of departure the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the land of Mexico. Wherever the Spanish went always the same thing happened, from my point of view. Innocent people were killed for no good reason, cities were massacred, civilizations were destroyed or forced to convert to Christianity. And so, I think now is the time to reevaluate the actions of the European explorers who subjugated the native American peoples and their civilizations. Undoubtedly the most glorified and heroically portrayed of these figures of the European conquest of the New World were the conquistadors, the Spanish conquerors of Mexico and Peru in the 16-th century. These men, under leaders such as Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizzaro nearly eliminated the Aztec and Inca peoples. Surely many of these soldiers were extremely cruel and intolerant of the native populations. But it is important to consider, with the push of both sides toward territorial expansion, how these groups (European and American) could remain isolated from each other. Furthermore, with meeting of these two imperialist cultures, it must be considered whether it would be possible for the two to peacefully coexist. From the point of view of what we know today it seems impossible that Europe could have remained completely ignorant until the XVI century with respect a civilization that by then had existed in Mexico for more than one thousand five hundred years. Equally astonishing is the indifference that the conquerors showed towards the universe that by pure luck crossed their path. Nothing shows the attitude Cortes had attitude that he kept util the end of the conquest better than the gift he made to the Aztec chiefs: even though his wonder upon discovering signs of a great cultural refinement, he did not doubt for even one moment that he was in the presence
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Which Schools Offer AP Capstone Complete List
Which Schools Offer AP Capstone Complete List SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Curious about which schools are offering the new AP Capstone program? Get a complete list here, and also find out how likely it is a school near you will add AP Capstone in the next few years. What Is AP Capstone? AP Capstone is an advanced diploma program – if you can complete the requirements you’ll earn the AP Capstone diploma (in addition to your regular high school diploma), which shows you completed an advanced curriculum in high school. AP Capstone is quite new. The program only debuted in 2014, so the first AP Capstone diplomas will be given out at the end of this school year. To earn the diploma you take two required AP classes – Seminar and Research – along with four more AP classes of your choosing. You need to earn a 3 or higher on each exam to get the diploma. Capstone differs from the â€Å"regular†AP program since that program does not require you to take specific classes or get a minimum score, you just take classes you’re interested in. We have a complete guide to AP Capstone you can read if you want to learn more! The Complete List This list is broken down by state for US schools, and lists participating international schools at the end. If a state isn’t listed, that means it doesn’t have a Capstone program yet. 115 American schools have AP Capstone so far, along with 22 international schools (including 10 in Canada). Check out the complete list below to see if a school near you has AP Capstone. Alabama Schools Hoover High School – Hoover, AL Virgil I. Grissom High School – Huntsville, AL Arizona Schools BASIS Scottsdale – Scottsdale, AZ BASIS Tucson North – Tucson, AZ California Schools Arroyo Grande High School – Arroyo Grande, CA Chadwick School – Palos Verdes, CA John H. Francis Polytechnic High School – Sun Valley, CA Lincoln High School– San Jose, CA Long Beach Polytechnic High School – Long Beach, CA Los Osos High School – Rancho Cucamonga, CA Lowell High School – San Francisco, CA Mira Mesa High School– San Diego, CA Pioneer High School– San Jose, CA Rio Linda Senior High School – Rio Linda, CA Thousand Oaks High School– Thousand Oaks, CA Colorado Schools Erie High School - Erie, Colorado Connecticut Schools Choate Rosemary Hall – Wallingford, CT Conard High School – West Hartford, CT Hall High School – West Hartford, CT Taft School – Watertown, CT Florida Schools Armwood High School – Seffner, FL Astronaut High School – Titusville, FL Barbara Goleman High School – Miami, FL Bayside High School – Palm Bay, FL Boca Ciega High School – Gulfport, FL Boca Raton Community High School – Boca Raton, FL Countryside High School – Clearwater, FL Michael M. Krop Senior High School – Miami, FL Felix Varela Senior High School – Miami, FL Hialeah High School – Hialeah, FL Hillsborough High School – Tampa, FL Lake Howell High School – Winter Park, FL Lake Nona High School – Orlando, FL Lyman High School – Longwood, FL Merritt Island High School – Merrit Island, FL Miami Carol City Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Central Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Coral Park Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Jackson Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Southridge Senior High School – Miami, FL Miami Sunset Senior High School – Miami, FL North Miami Beach Senior High School – North Miami Bch, FL Northeast High School – St Petersburg, FL Palm Bay Magnet High School – Melbourne, FL Santaluces Community High School – Lantana, FL Satellite High School – Satellite Beach, FL South Plantation High School – Plantation, FL Southwest Miami High School – Miami, FL Spanish River Community High School – Boca Raton, FL Spoto High School – Riverview, FL Suncoast Community High School – Riviera Beach, FL Titusville High School – Titusville, FL West Boca Raton Community High School – Boca Raton, FL West Shore Junior-Senior High School – Melbourne, FL Western High School – Davie, FL Georgia Schools Chestatee High School – Gainesville, GA Robert S. Alexander Comprehensive High School – Douglasville, GA Wesleyan School – Norcross, GA Illinois Schools Glenbard East High School – Lombard, IL Glenbard West High School – Glen Ellyn, IL Lane Technical College Prep High School – Chicago, IL Indiana Schools Carmel High School – Carmel, IN Fishers High School – Fishers, IN Hamilton Southeastern High School – Fishers, IN Madison Consolidated High School – Madison, IN Westfield High School – Westfield, IN Kentucky Schools Glasgow High School – Glassgow KY Highlands High School – Fort Thomas, KY McCracken County High School – Paducah, KY North Oldham High School – Goshen, KY Maryland Schools Bowie High School – Bowie, MD Eleanor Roosevelt High School – Greenbelt, MD Massachusetts Schools Concord-Carlisle Regional High School – Concord, MA Dartmouth High School – Dartmouth, MA Deerfield Academy – Deerfeild, MA John D. O'Bryant School of Math and Science – Roxbury, MA Michigan Schools Lapeer High School – Lapeer, MI Missouri Schools Park Hill High School – Kansas City, MO New Mexico Schools Cibola High School – Albuquerque, NM New York Schools Brooklyn Technical High School – Brooklyn, NY George W. Hewlett High School – Hewlett, NY Queens High School for the Sciences at York College – Jamaica, NY Williamsville East High School – East Amherst, NY North Carolina Schools Western Guilford High School – Greensboro, NC Ohio Schools Indian Hill High School – Cincinnati, OH Oklahoma Schools Jenks High School – Jenks, OK Norman High School – Norman, OK Norman North High School – Norman, OK Thomas A Edison High School – Tulsa, OK South Carolina Schools Oakbrook Preparatory School – Spartanburg, SC Tennessee Schools Hillwood Comprehensive High School– Nashville, TN Hume-Fogg Academic High School– Nashville, TN White Station High School – Memphis, TN Texas Schools Alvin High School – Alvin, TX Carnegie Vanguard High School – Houston, TX Glenda Dawson High School – Pearland, TX Irving High School – Irving, TX Jack E. Singley Academy – Irving, TX MacArthur High School – Irving, TX Manvel High School – Manvel, TX Michael E. Debakey High School for Health Professions – Houston, TX Nimitz High School – Irving, TX Pearland High School – Pearland, TX Westside High School – Houston, TX Utah Schools Taylorsville High School – Taylorsville, UT Vermont Schools Johnsbury Academy – St. Johnsbury, VT Virginia Schools Osbourn Park High School – Manassas, VA Washington Schools Joel E. Ferris High School – Spokane, WA John R. Rogers High School – Spokane, WA Lewis and Clark High School – Spokane, WA Mary Walker High School – Springdale, WA North Central High School – Spokane, WA Shadle Park High School – Spokane, WA West Virginia Schools George Washington High School–Charleston, WV Canadian Schools Burnaby North Secondary School – Burnaby, British Columbia Burnaby South Secondary School – Burnaby, British Columbia Queen Elizabeth Composite High School – Edmonton, Alberta Saint Michaels University School – Victoria, Britsh Columbia Sentinel Secondary School – West Vancouver, Britsh Columbia Clement's School – Toronto, Ontario Malachy's Memorial High School – Saint John, New Brunswick Strathcona Composite High School – Edmonton, Alberta Trinity College School – Port Hope, Ontario York Memorial Collegiate Institute – Toronto, Ontario International Schools ACS Cobham International School – Cobham, United Kingdom American Community School of Amman – Amman, Jordan American School in Japan – Tokyo, Japan American School of Dubai – Dubai, United Arab Emirates American School of Kuwait – Kuwait City, Kuwait Hisar School – Istanbul, Turkey Hong Kong International School – Tai Tam, Hong Kong Kings Academy – Madaba, Jordan Shanghai American School - Pudong Campus – Shanghai, China Shanghai American School - Puxi Campus – Huacao Town, Shanghai, China Singapore American School – Singapore Taipei American School – Taipei, Taiwan AP Capstone school list via College Board. Will My School Get AP Capstone? As we mentioned earlier, AP Capstone is quite new. It was only started in 2014. Odds are that more schools will start implementing Capstone in the next few years. One way to find out if your school is considering AP Capstone is to ask your guidance counselor. If your high school already offers a wide selection of AP classes, it wouldn’t be too hard to implement AP Capstone. It would just need to add two more classes, Research and Seminar. If your school doesn’t have AP classes or only has a few, it’s less likely to implement Capstone. Also consider the state you’re living in. If you’re in a state like Florida, Washington, or Texas that already has a lot of Capstone schools, it’s more likely your school will catch on and add it. If you’re in a state without any Capstone schools or just one, it’s less likely your high school will get it since it would be one of the first in your area. Should I Take AP Capstone? It there is an AP Capstone program nearby, you may be wondering if you should take it, or even if you should travel to another school to take it. Consider the following points if you think you might want to take AP Capstone. Also keep in mind that you should only transfer schools if you're really excited specifically about the AP Seminar and AP Research classes. Otherwise you can take the advanced classes your local high school offers and still have a rigorous schedule. First, can you commit to 6 AP classes? If you’re just taking AP classes without the Capstone diploma, you can drop out of a hard class without penalty, whereas with Capstone you have to complete six classes. Can you commit to paying for 6 AP exams? Again, when just taking AP classes you can decide your exam budget each year. With Capstone you’ll be paying for at least 6 exams during high school. At $91 each, that isn’t cheap. (Of course that can pay off down the line if you pass the courses and earn college credit, but you should be aware of the costs upfront.) Do AP Seminar and AP Research look interesting to you, or would you prefer the flexibility of choosing all of your AP classes? If you're not really interested in taking on your own research project, you may just want to stick to regular AP classes. (You can read more about Seminar and Research over at our AP Capstone guide.) Also, on a related note, who is teaching Seminar and/or Research at your school? Are they good teachers? The Seminar and Research teachers could either make or break AP Capstone program. If you have great teachers who help you get a lot out of the topics discussed in AP Seminar and your own research project in AP Research, you'll have a great experience. If the teachers aren't very good, you probably won't get much out of the classes. To sum up, AP Capstone could be a great opportunity, especially since you pick up academic research and writing skills before college, plus it could push you to take more AP classes. However, if Capstone is more than you could take on, you could burn out and not even earn the diploma. Think carefully before deciding to commit to it! What’s Next? If you do take AP Capstone, you’re going to have to take at least four AP classes in addition to AP Seminar and AP Research. Read about the hardest and easiest AP classes to help you decide on your schedule. While colleges don’t require AP or IB classes, many require SAT subject tests. Get a complete list of schools that require subject tests and try to match up your SAT Subject Tests with your AP classes. Also studying for the SAT/ACT? Find out how long you should study for (ACT version here) and come up with a target SAT/ ACT score based on your top schools. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Sunday, November 3, 2019
BRIC Analysis Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
BRIC Analysis - Case Study Example However, because the outlook for this industry is bright, multinationals are now eyeing the manufacture of the product. But none has targeted China yet, and the market concentration is US, Canada, and Japan (Annex C). There is a high growth potential in the market. Rivalry concentration is low since most of the electric car models of U.S. manufacturers are yet to be introduced in the years to come. The threat of substitutes to the electric car industry is fairly mild because people are now conscious of green environment, and the spiraling cost of gasoline. There are other types of automotive vehicles but none offers clean air and a reduction of energy consumption although models and design are comparable with regular cars. The electric car models offer the comfort of charging it at home and do not need to line up in gasoline stations. Popular electric car models are shown in Annex B. The inherent culture and attitudes kept people out from owning cars, and ownership is not yet spread out as discussed in density of ownership. But because of increasing rate of population and rise of income, the culture of car ownership in China is slowly changing; added to the fact that it is encouraged by the government, The barrier to entry in the automotive industry is significant. The start up capital needed for a new company to set up an efficient manufacturing capacity is prohibitive. The manufacture of electric cars needs expertise and specialization, and in case of failure is difficult to retool. Entry to market may not be so difficult because of the joint venture with a local Chinese automotive manufacturer. A joint venture is considered a better alternative in entering the Chinese market because Chinese partners have an insight into the local customs and traditions. A joint venture offers the opportunity of access to restricted market, and the advantage of the low
Friday, November 1, 2019
Comparing two story( A small good thing & The girl with the pimply Essay
Comparing two story( A small good thing & The girl with the pimply face) - Essay Example The two doctors’ communication with their patients demonstrates how different the two doctors approach their jobs. The central tenet of Williams’ â€Å"The Girl with the Pimply Face†is that doctors are human and are subjected to human emotions. Carver approaches the topic from the other side by displaying the harmful effects of a doctor who is professional, but patronizing in â€Å"A Small, Good Thing†. The primary theme of Williams’ story is the sensitivity of the doctor toward a patient. Williams’ doctor is compassionate with his patients. He speaks with his patient’s family using informal everyday language. This shows the doctor’s humanity, his caring response to a family facing several problems. In this case, he has the desire to help, gives his work freely, and possesses a genuine interest in the family. The doctor does not criticise his patients when they are not able to pay. Even after promises of payment are not realized, the doctor continues to come back. The doctor returns after diagnosing the baby of the family with a bad heart. Even though he knows that the baby’s health will decline, with or without his help, the doctor tries to ease the family’s pain with his visits. The doctor also takes it upon himself to help his infant patient’s sister with her acne and the blemishes on her legs even though he was only responsible for the baby. Williams’ story emphasises the willingness of this doctor to step over professional boundaries and help the girl with advice and money even though she was not his patient. â€Å"The Girl with the Pimply Face†also shows that the doctor’s motives are not entirely unselfish. He is attracted to his patient’s sister. Although the doctor would never compromise his position by ever making inappropriate gestures towards the girl, but his attractions is a strong motive for his interest in the family. Even after finding out that the mother is a
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